Pembroke Primary School
Happy & Secure, Learning Together.

Fairfield Rd. Bulwark, Chepstow NP16 5JN
Languages, Literacy and Communication
Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning (AoLE) aims to address all aspects of communication. It aims to support learning across all areas of the curriculum and to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills in English, Welsh and International Languages.
Oracy - Speaking and Listening
It encourages learners to participate in a range of activities which allow them to practise their oracy skills whilst improving their vocabulary and sentence structure in English, Welsh and other languages. It teaches learners the vocabulary to discuss and work with others in a range of situations. Being able to communicate with others appropriately and respectfully in any language is an important life skill.
At Pembroke, we use the approaches and strategies from 'Voice 21' in our oracy sessions. Our younger learners start with 'One Step at a Time' which introduces the learners to the crucial skills of communication one at a time.
It encourages learners to experience a range of literature genres; texts written by authors from the past, present, Wales and around the world; texts based in familiar and unfamiliar settings; texts that make the learners think about current and past events and texts in Welsh and other languages.
At Pembroke, we promote a love of reading. Learners have the opportunity to read books for pleasure, read for learning and books are read to them by adults. They can access Reading Eggs at home and in school, which supports their learning to read but also enables them to read books that interest them from the vast online library.
Read, Write, Inc. is the phonics scheme that we use to support our learning of phonics and early reading.
We encourage parents and carers to share and read books together with their children daily for enjoyment. Each child will also take home a levelled reading book (slightly easier than those read in school) which we would like them to read with someone at home to practise their learning. The aim is for each child to read fluently, accurately and with expression. Learners are also encouraged to read with expression. We utilise Seesaw for our home reading record.

Some children find learning to read tricky and will try to avoid reading a book as much as possible. However, there are many other ways that you can encourage your child to read without them realising they are reading.

Many of us get stuck in a rut with our reading materials. We stick to the same author or themes. The mystery book is a way of trying something different, without the cost.
Books are available for adults and children in the school entrance.
It encourages learners to experience writing a range of fiction and non-fiction genres in English, Welsh and other languages.
At Pembroke, we start our writing journey by developing our gross and fine motor skills. These are needed before picking up any writing implement. Letter formation is taught in line with the sounds learnt in RWInc. As soon as possible, learners are taught to join their letters, as this has been proven to help speed up the writing process and support spelling development.