Pembroke Primary School
Happy & Secure, Learning Together.

Fairfield Rd. Bulwark, Chepstow NP16 5JN
Cymraeg - Welsh
Yn yr Ysgol - In school
In school, we use the Welsh language continuum produced by the EAS to support our teaching and learning.
We also use the ‘Fflic a Fflac’ scheme in nursery through to year 2. The scheme follows two puppets called Fflic and Fflac. We have the puppets in each class and they are used to engage pupils in their learning. There are Fflic a Fflac games available to purchase on iTunes.
From year 3 to year 6 we use the ‘Antur Anhygoel’ schemes in a way that fits in with our topics.The schemes are designed around the ‘Pod Antur’ resources developed by ‘Tinopolis’. Children are given opportunities to practise Welsh in a range of real-life, engaging contexts. Year 3 follow Crad and Ffion around Wales, while Year 4 follow Izzy and Dyfs. The children in Year 5 and 6 follow Tom and Becca around Wales and beyond!
Scroll down to find some of the Welsh we use every day in school.
Criw Cymraeg
We are the Criw Cymraeg of Pembroke Primary School. We have at least one member from each class from Year 3 to Year 6 in our crew. Each of us was voted by our class to be members of the Criw Cymraeg. You will be able to spot us around the school as each member wears a draig cymraeg badge.
What do we do?
We meet every week in our lunchtime. In our meetings, we decide on the ‘Cymal Gymraeg o'r Wythnos’ for the following week and then teach this phrase to the school in the weekly Gwasanaeth Cymraeg. We also use the various displays around the school to display the weekly pattern and to inform other pupils, staff and parents on any updates regarding Welsh. During our meetings, we also have chance to discuss the agendas and to add our own suggestions. As the Criw Cymraeg, we have a responsibility to help improve Welsh in Pembroke Primary. We encourage both children and staff to use Welsh as often as possible, both in and out of class.
Gwasanaeth Cymraeg
The Criw Cymraeg decided to introduce a reward system for speaking Welsh. We reward both children and staff for speaking Welsh in and out of the classroom by awarding them with a ‘Siaradwyr yr Wythnos’. During Gwasanaeth Cymraeg a Welsh hymn is sung, the Welsh phrase is introduced, Siaradwyr yr Wythnos is presented and a Welsh prayer is said.
Everyday Welsh
These are some of the phrases staff and pupils here at Pembroke Primary use every day.
Bore da - Good morning
Prynhawn da - Good afternoon
Diolch - Thank you
Croeso - You're welcome / Welcome
Pwy wy ti? - Who are you?
Sut wyt ti? - How are you?
Neis i wel ti - Nice to see you
Cinio - Dinners
Brechdanau cartref - Home sandwiches
Hwyl fawr - Goodbye
Ble mae ...? - Where is ...?
Online activities
Use this link to play games and learn new language skills, http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learning/astroantics/
Some more fantastic links to Welsh sites for young learners and adults!