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Read Write Inc.

RWI is used in many ways across Pembroke Primary.


The mission of RWI is to teach every child to read and write, and to keep them reading. No exceptions.


RWI core mission is to galvanise headteachers and teachers to:


  1. put the teaching of reading at the heart of their schools and ensure teachers have the knowledge and determination to teach every child, regardless of age, background or need

  2. choose the best books to read aloud so children might read them for themselves 

  3. place literature as a central pillar in establishing children’s identity, their place in the world and their understanding of their responsibilities and rights in relation to others.



RWI aims for every child, regardless of age, background or need, learns to:

  • read accurately and fluently, and develop a love of reading

  • spell, handwrite and develop their ideas for writing

  • articulate their understanding and practise what they have been taught.

Read Write Inc resources

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