Pembroke Primary School
Happy & Secure, Learning Together.

Fairfield Rd. Bulwark, Chepstow NP16 5JN
These apps might be useful in helping you manage your difficulties. They will be available on most smart phones.
- What’s up? - a free app designed to help you cope with Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Stress and more
- Head Space – an app to help you reframe stress using mindfulness. Relax with guided meditations and mindfulness techniques.
- Smiling Mind – a free app to help you reframe stress using mindfulness. Relax with guided meditations and mindfulness techniques
- Calm Harm – A free app that provides tasks that help to distract you, and manage the urge to self-harm.
- Woebot – A free app that provides a therapy chat-bot who helps you monitor your moods and learn more about yourself.
- Molehill Mountain – An app to help autistic people understand and self-manage anxiety.
- Beat Panic – Overcome panic attacks and anxiety wherever you happen to be
- Big White Wall – Get round the clock support from therapists to help you cope with stress and anxiety
- Blue Ice – This app helps young people manage their emotions and reduces urges to self-harm
- Catch It – Learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently
- DistrACT – Quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts
- Feeling Good – Positive Mindset – Use audio tracks to help relax your body and mind and improve your confidence
- My Possible Self: The Mental Health App – Learn how to manage fear, anxiety and stress and tackle unhelpful thinking
- Silver Cloud - An eight-week course to help manage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace
- Stress & Anxiety Companion – Breathing exercises, relaxing music and games to help calm your mind and change negative thoughts
- Thrive – Use games to track your mood and teach yourself methods to take control of stress and anxiety
The following websites you may find informative:-
Mood Juice (www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk) – Provides self-help guides covering conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic and sleep problems.
Anxiety BC (www.anxietybc.com) – Online resource providing self-help information.
Young Minds (www.youngminds.org.uk) – Mental Health Charity committed to improving children’s wellbeing and mental health.